GOAL 3 - Lead in translational research; create, apply and disseminate new knowledge

GOAL 3 - Lead in translational research; create, apply and disseminate new knowledge

A key component of the VMC is the integrated approach to translational research by co-location of faculty, essential equipment and instrumentation for both clinical and research purposes, enhanced clinical trial offerings and support, collaborative study teams across multiple disciplines, partnerships within the school and externally. The ability to mine the vast medical records for clinical research initiatives is a significant advantage which will ultimately benefit patients with enhanced or additional treatment options. Communication efforts around discoveries and through professional continuing education programs will result in the continued advancement of animal health and patient care.

3.1. Evaluate infrastructure needed to advance financially sustainable clinical and translational research.

3.2. Foster a culture that supports and values research.

3.3. Lead in multi-institutional clinical trials.

3.4. Promote an applied focus on innovation through development of new clinical treatments, procedures, drugs and devices.

3.5. Disseminate information about scientific advancement and discovery to the scientific and practice communities, to the public and other stakeholders.

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